Monday, January 30, 2012

He'll Hold You- Selah (with lyrics)

God will hold you when you are faced with a storm and you do not know what to do.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

I am Free from the past

Last Sunday Night I got baptized . I feel like a new man and a new creature. The old things of the past were cast away in the water. I feel free from the past and free from the bondage of sin. I feel that all my burdens rolled away and I do not have to carry them anymore.

Free, Free from my past
Free from the pain
Free from the guil that would cause me to be ashamed
Once, Once I was blind
But now I see
Clearly the debt that I owed Jesus paid for me
No more chains are binding me
I'm totally free

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

I am Free

I am free from the pass. I recently got baptized and I feel free at last and free to worship Jesus More. I never want to go back and do the things I used to do. I am going to keep serving Jesus no matter what I may be going through. I am so glad to be free from the things that I used to do. I can say Look what the Lord has done this year . He set me free and I am happy to be free today.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Last Night's Baptism and testimony about me getting baptized.

Last night there was a water baptism. The week before the baptism I took the class and after the class I decided to get baptized. When I was in the baptism tank and getting baptized I began to feel the presence of God so strong. When I got out of the Baptism tank I felt changed and free to worship God. My past has been erased and I am free at last. God is now able to use me more because I gave it all to God when I was in the tank last night. I feel so much different and so free right now like never before.

Friday, January 20, 2012

How Great is our God

We serve a real God today. A God that can heal hurts. God is bigger than anything that you can't solve yourself. God is our all in all. When we fall down, he will picks us up. He brings us the light when we are in darkness. God will deliver you from anything. God will set you free if you allow him to.
Bring all your needs to Jesus today and he will take of them no matter what the need may be. Jesus wants to be your savior and your friend. Jesus will always be with you through every trial you may go through. Jesus is an on time God

Thursday, January 19, 2012

You Can make it

No matter what you may be going through I am here to tell you that you can make it . God is always there with you. If you don't have Jesus in you today you can have him as your personal savior and he will never leave you. In my first year of High school I went through a hard trial and I felt like I couldn't make it. One night I was at the altar and I just began to cry out to God and began to tell him what I was going through. Some of my friends began to encourage me an pray for me. I began to feel a difference in my life and I knew that after what I went through I can make it through any trial.
Keep trusting in God and keep your faith in him. You are going to make it through and Jesus will always bring you through
God bless you

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

God is Bigger than what you are going through.

No matter what you may going through rather it is your job or school God is bigger than what you are going through. God is the one that can take away the problems that you are going through. God is bigger than any valley. God is higher than anything in the entire world. If you are going through a storm and a trial just remember when you think it is the hardest time of your life God is bigger than anything.
God can may impossible situations possible. God can take a life that is hopeless and make it into good for the use if his Glory. God is able to use anyone that will allow him to. He will always be there no matter what.

There is always a victory.

At the end of the trials and storms no matter how hard the storm may get there is always a victory. You may not see it but the victory that is in Jesus is going to be coming your way when you keep putting your trust in Jesus. Jesus will bring you victory in the midst of your trials.


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

I won't go back

I am not going to go back to the old things that I used to do. I am going to keep going forward. In the days that we are living in we need to stand up for what is right and not go back and do the things that we used to do. We need to keep standing and being a fighter that will never give up on being a Christian. We need to make the decision that no matter what may happen we are not going back but we are going to move forward for Jesus Christ so we can reach the world and they can find Jesus Christ. We need to continue to pray and fight for our Brothers and Sisters . We also need to keep fighting and praying for the ones that left church will come back.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Don't Give up

No matter what you are going through in your life and how bad the situation may get don't give up. Your dreams are going to come to pass no matter what may be happening. Jesus will always give you the desire of your heart. When you keep praying and keep believing and keep talking to God your dreams will not fail but they will be coming to pass.

I am here to tell you today Don't give up on your dreams they are coming to pass.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

2011 Year Of Victory

2011 was the year of Victory for me . Last year I made it through because Jesus was always there to help me no matter what I went through. I went through so many things last year and I made it through every trial that I had and every problem that came my way. The Song that helped me last year was " I Know that I can make it! I know that I can stand !" This song is my testimony because No matter what I have been through all my life this song helped me know that I can make it no matter what. Without God I wouldn't of been able to make it through. God is continuing to use me more and to help me become more like him.